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Monday, December 17, 2007 ; 5:18 PM
Book review--Spy Girls
By Elizabeth Cage

This story is about 3 young teenaged girls, who are picked by the US government to be spies for them, and work in a secret organization only known as, the Tower. Their skills- Josephine Carreaes’s knowledge of foreign languages, Caylin Pike’s athletic prowess and Theresa Hearth’s skills in technology-were the reasons for the government choosing them. The first book is about their maiden mission for the Tower-infiltrating the US Embassy and finding an important list of the locations of several nuclear weapons before a group of terrorists reached them.

Their boss was a mysterious man only known as Uncle Sam. They have never even seen his face before. He gave them instructions on their mission, and that it was to take place in the US Embassy. He also told them to be careful, as another Tower agent, Agent Frank had died mysteriously on the job. He also told them to look out for the son of the boss of the US Embassy, Nicholas, as he was their main suspect.

Upon reaching, Josephine was disguised as a translator; Caylin a housekeeper; Theresa a phone operator. Using the safety of their fake identities, they all snooped around for clues. Their breakthrough came when Caylin found Agent Frank’s address book. They pored through it excitedly, but all that they could find was an entry simply titled”Green Disk”. This led them to suspect that perhaps, the list was hidden in a disk, which was probably in a place with reference to the color green.

After reporting the find to Uncle Sam, Caylin was instructed to bug Jonathan’s phones in the hope that they could find out what he was up to. They discovered he was finding the list of nuclear weapons in exchange for two million dollars, funded by a mysterious man called Alfred. Alfred also blackmailed Jonathan into a time limit, or he would kill his father. The spies were disgusted by that Jonathan had been willing to put his own father’s life on the line for a wad of money.

While spying, the girls unexpectedly run into a short-haired woman with a dangerous aura and scornful look. They suspected her to be working with Alfred and chased her through clubs, snapping her picture and trying to get information on her. Also, they discovered a man Josephine flirted with at work, Antonio, could also be in cahoots with Alfred and Jonathan when he sent Josephine chocolates in which powerful poison was found.

The girls decide to start hunting for the “Green Disk”. They sneaked into the boss’s personal CD room and went through every one of them. When Josephine was asked by her supervisor to choose some music for an upcoming ball, they looked through more CDs she was given, hoping to find it. On the last day they were allowed for the mission, the girls suddenly realized there were still several 30 odd CDs with Josephine’s supervisor. Upon opening the door of the CD room, they bumped into Antonio and Jonathan. Running away from them, they found the CDs in an office and find the CD they were looking for in a case titled, Green Day. However, their happiness and their success did not last.
Jonathan and Antonio chased them to the road, and all the way to the FBI safe house the spies were instructed to report to.

In the FBI safe house, FBI agents cuffed Jonathan and Antonio. Suddenly, the spies saw the mysterious dangerous-looking woman there too. They yelled for her to be cuffed too, but she showed a Tower identification card and identified herself as Danielle Hall, a fellow Tower agent. The spies were stunned when she said she had been assigned to tail them and literally be their guardian angel. They were in for another surprise when the Scotland Yard came forward and asked for Jonathan to be released. Jonathan then revealed he was working with the Scotland Yard to bring down the terrorists who killed his friend, Agent Frank.

Jonathan told them how he and Agent Frank had known about the list. Apparently, when his father had given him some CDs to use for schoolwork, one particular CD could not be erased and even destroyed his entire hard disk. Thus, he had sent it to Agent Frank, a friend he knew was a technology genius. Agent Frank realized the list was hidden inside and had copied it to the Green Day CD before he was murdered.

The girls were really surprised by the way things had turned out, but were giddy with happiness at their success with their maiden mission as Alfred was also caught by the spies.

This is indeed a thrilling but also mysterious story. I felt confused with the story when I just started reading the book as there were a lot of mysteries. But as I read on, I have started to love the story as the story gets more exciting and finally everything was solved. The mysterious part of the story prompts me to read on, as I want to know what had exactly happened. And finally, at the last few pages of the book, it turned out to be a happy ending when their mission came to a success. However, there are more books to be read on, where there are more missions and mysteries to be solved about nicholas and also the final ending of the collections of the book. I could not wait to finish them at once! :D


Friday, December 14, 2007 ; 12:24 AM
Book review--When i was older

Author: Garret Freymann-Weyr
Title: When I was older

This story is about a 15-year-old girl called Sophie. As the title suggest, it is about how Sophie is going to grow up and being more mature, acceptance to things, and get older when the time that passes. Everything started with her little brother, Erhart died of leukemia two years ago, five days before his eighth birthday. As she was still young when Erhart died, she kept and had very little memories of him. She misses him and still cannot accept the fact that he has left her. Therefore, she carries out on-purpose memory twice a day, to remember Erhart and their happy moments like, calling each other twins. However, she can only remember the part when he was going to die. And she thinks that thinking of Erhart accidentally, when it is not the time for on purpose memory, is disrespectful, so she also tries to avoid bringing him into conversations and avoid the word “die”. She kept things that belong to him in order to think of him when there is an on purpose memory. Unfortunately, her memories of him are beginning to slip away as time passes by. She was depressed by then. She got worse when she realized that Erhart stays the same, but time changes her. To her, he will always be not quite eight, but she will keep getting older—and her life will keep changing.

Everybody told her that time would heal when Erhart died. However, she thinks that time did nothing great to her after a few years since Erhart died. Here is what she thought time has done so far: Boys whom she used to be friends with call her up for dates instead and her ambition has changed. She thinks that time has changed everything around her but does not help her remember Erhart. Her father had an affair and did wrong things, including being thrown out after Erhart died, and this makes him impossible to know about that, or their parents have split up. What had happened made her dislike time. She does not know how she will cope until she meets Francis.

Francis is her mother boy friend’s son. Francis is in the same state with Sophie. His mother died when it was a few weeks before he was eight. To remember his mother, he tattooed a teardrop on his face. Instead of disgusted by that, Sophie loves that tattoo. She can understand how he feels and so, she thinks that the tattoo is great. She confides in Francis about Erhart, and everything that was bothering her for years. Francis was a mature and great guy who had got over with his mother death, labeling that his mom’s death is his live. Sophie did not understand him at the beginning as she thinks that Erhart is an on purpose memory, instead of her, being part of the memory. She had finally understood Francis after being with him for a period of time when he taught Sophie a lot about losing someone and saving memories. She had also begun to forgive and understand her father better.They started out as friends, but soon Sophie realized that Francis wants to be her boyfriend too. She could not accept that fact at the start as she considered girls who date and rely on boyfriends are A-girls(her way of classifying them). She did not want to be one and so, she did not accept dates from boys. However, after Francis told her about love, dating and encouraged her, listen and talk to her, she starts to accept everything. She gave herself permission to grow up and also gave Francis a chance to be her boyfriend.

This novel is well-written as it explores emotions of a normal young girl who is experiencing love, loss and transition while growing up. This novel is suitable for teenagers. It is a very touching love story of a growing teenager. I love this novel. I hope you would like the story after reading my summary! :D


Sunday, July 15, 2007 ; 2:54 PM
I have enjoyed the freedom of doing my assignments at home, without any disturbance from my classmates or any one walking around,looking after me, and what I am doing.With this E-learning day, I have gained more experience in doing my assignments that are given through the internet,and I have to log on to the particular website for more information or instructions about the assignment.I can also get to explore and know more about the internet by myself,fitting in the teaching method of “teach less,learn more” guideline. I have learnt about studying and learning independently from this E-learning activity. Doing homework at home is more relaxing than doing them in school as do not need to wake up so early in the morning just to get ready for school, we can instead having longer sleeping hours and will just conveniently press the on button of the computer,then everything will be going smoothly and fine,sitting in front the computer and E-learning!
I have felt that E-learning is very fun and wonderful.It is also very convenient and good for students.It is very convenient as everyone can just log on to the website and to read the instructions for the assignments prepared for us with the help of internet,and everything would go smoothly.I have been thinking about the type of fun and feeling that I would have if there is an E-learning day going on in the school.Well,I have finally got to know the feeling for E-learning and the E-learning day have came.It is just too convenient for us students and even the teachers as the teachers need not waste a lot of effort in explaining the instructions for the assignments that we are supposed to do etc,but they just got to key in the instructions for the assignments.Although all the preparations for the E-learning day requires a lot of efforts,but I believed that we have gained a lot from this activity,and the teachers need not be so tired after all as they did not need to raise their voice and do the teaching for once.
From this experience,I have also realized and to confess that internet is indeed very good,making work to be carried out more easily.Most of the credit is for the internet as it made the whole process of E-learning more fun and wonderful for everyone!I have also tried my best to complete the assignments given with some of the links and website that were given through the internet in order to help us complete the assignments in time!

Sunday, June 24, 2007 ; 11:13 PM
The holiday is ending shortly.Time flies in a blink of an eye.It has been one month when we had school holiday.I missed the holiday very much.And now,i shall share with you my holiday experience.

Firstly,i have had my mother tongue oral exam on the starting of the holiday,28may.I think it had went quite smoothly.Then i went to the class gathering where i meet up with my friends,Michelle,Yuvin,and Krystal,before we went to Escape theme park where the class gather.We waited quite long outside the entrance of the theme park for the others to come,as we have reached quite early.It was a rainy day and we have actually dashed across the road where Krystal's mom have fetched us to somewhere at the theme park.I felt very lucky when as it was 30 may when we went to the Escape theme park,and it would be a few days after that when it would be my birthday and i would be 13 years old.By then,i will have to pay $16+ for the entrance fee,but since i am still 12 that time,i would only need to pay lesser.Then we went in excitedly after being stucked outside as we were waiting for the rain to stop before we could play.Then, the class spread into groups and went to play on our own.Firstly,we went to the haunted house as there were no one queing there.As it was not my first time,i did not really feel scared,but after some of my classmates' reaction of running out of the house when they have just gotten in.It created the atmosphere like that.And while i was in,Michelle was another one who was too scared that she even hold on tight to my sleeve that it almost fall from my shoulder,and she tagged close behind me and all the while screaming.No offence to michelle!=P After that, we have went to play the pirate ship where Michelle was afraid to ride on,and even wanted me to sit with her at the middle,where there is less frightening.After that,we went to sit some fun rides like wet and wild and even the inverter,which eventually turns 360 degree,and is truely very exciting,but scary for the first time. Lastly,after we had played and repeated playing lots of rides,Michelle has to go home already.But we did not want to go that early first,so she went first and Yuvin,Krystal and I went to ride the car.I have forgotten the name for that,but it was really very exciting and that was our first time playing that.I was like the second one among us to reach!Then,we ended our excitement on the ride and went home.It was very fun day,and i thought i still had quite alot of this kind of days left.
Next,we went to the PC show at the suntec city there.There were alot of display of computers and all sorts for gadgets like MP4,and ipod,also including different kind of modern,new laptops,computer,and television screen.It was very cramp and noisy there,as most of the assistant were trying as hard as they could to promote their products as it was the last day of the display.There were alot of discount given as it was the last day,and everyone were rushing to get what they wanted in time.As for me,i have managed to get a mp4 with quite a lot of spaces at a very cheap price below $160.I was very glad that i have bought that.I have split the price with my older sister as we have decided to share,and also persuaded my dad to fork in some money too.While,my mom have also bought a new PC and a printer at a cheap price too.Time passes as we were deciding which company to buy from and all that.Everyone was bringing home what they wanted and also with smiles on their faces.This is a great experience for me during the PC show,as i have learnt about considering the products of all kinds of company when deciding to buy which kind of MP4.There were all sorts of mp4 with all sorts of functions,and i have decided to buy the one that i could afford with the longest guarantee.
It was the second week when we have went to the PC show.My parents had also took us to the Hongkong Cafe for a dinner to celebrate my birthday on 4 june(remember that!) and went to swensens to buy the ice cream cake.It was delicious and it was my first time eating this kind of ice cream cake,especially during my birthday.
Well,the other weeks will just be the days when i went for my p6 class gathering where i got to meet up with my p6 friends and talked about how we have been doing lately. I have also meet up with my group members for all sorts of project that was assigned before school holiday.And i am relieved to say that we have completed them!This is my last piece of homework that i am doing now.I used to do my homework for the rest of the day,and of course relaxing too.
Most of my friends have gone holidays overseas during this holiday,but i did not.Instead of being sad or jealous of them,i am just fine with that.Because i have enjoyed my holiday well with alot of relaxing and also completing my homeworks in time.Anyway, my parents have promised me to bring the family overseas for a holiday during the december holiday.And i am looking forward for another holiday! Well,but for now, i think i shall get ready for the school days and work hard for the next sememster! I shall stop here now.I am looking forward to the school days where i can meet my friends again,and also have alot of fun in school!

; 11:03 PM
B) Book review
Author:Martha brooks
Title: true confessions of a heartless girl

This book is about a girl, Noreen ,who was the heartless girl in the story,have got herself into all sorts of trouble with the people around her.She lives with her stepsister—Gladys,who was very caring to her,and also loved her,that she would always describe her love for Noreen as “I love you to the stars and back again,right up to the stars”.Gladys is always there to protect her and beside her,whenever her stepfather—whom she called him as stupidhead bob, quarrel with her mom,grace,who was called as Amazing, who has got pregnant by the age of 17,and was so-called saved by Bob, who swore that he would treat the kids well before Amazing married him.And sometimes when Noreen was sort of possessed and could not stop giggling in the bedroom where Gladys was beside her,when their parents quarrel, her stepfather would even rush in to the bedroom and lift her up in the air with a sickening sharp pain in her arm.Gladys escaped from her stepfather by getting married to Gerry,as her stepfather always pick on Gladys, after the incident.Noreen has moved in to stay in the apartment of Gladys’ and Gerry’s,as she really hates to see her stepfather,and sometimes she did not like the idea of visiting her parents every Sunday.

Noreen,is just like a kid,who has flax-coloured eyes,long silky hair, with small hands and feet.She is quite rebellious and had once miss ten days of school in a month at the age of 15.She is always screwing up,and making trouble for Gladys who really could not stand her,as she even went missing for entire 10 days with her boy friend Tyler and have hitched to Saskatoon—another part of the country.She have got a lot of boy friends,and even Tyler had ditched her at one hamburger shop at Saskatoon.She have got to walk back to Gladys house,at Winniepeg.She have been walking along the highway,where she saw Wesley Cuthand.Wesley had fell in love with Noreen at first sight,and even described her like a jackrabbit.They have spent two days and three nights in a cheap motel on the outskirts of Winniepeg,and then Noreen have decided to move out of Gladys’ house and live with Wesley in an apartment at Brandon.Noreen would just spend most of her day in the apartment watching TV and waiting for Wesley to be back from his work as a construction worker.Noreen spent most of her day staying in bed while Wesley worked right through the evening.For a while she is too tired to care.In her spirit,she feels half dead.And she has been feeling bloated and fluish lately.She refused to see the doctor,and the relationship between Wesley and her was drifting apart.She felt that there’s nothing wrong with her and she just wanted to be left alone.And from then onwards,Wesley did not really care about her,like he did not make any breakfast for her in the morning.Then she remembered that Wesley had kept some spare changes in a coffee tin on top of the kitchen cupboard,so she took out some money to buy something for Wesley as she wanted to buy some food for Wesley when he came back from work..They had a romantic dinner,but Wesley did not know where the money came from.The next day,Noreen wanted to paint the ceiling and decorate them like stars shining in the sky as Wesley told her that she would not lonely when she have found a star in the vast sky.So she took more money from the tin,and the whole thing did not go smoothly at all.Wesley was very angry with her as she had made a mess up with his room and even took his money.This is when the story started at her age of 17. She had left Wesley with taking some of his money in the tin and his backpack,and even with his truck.
It was late in the night and she have found a café in the rain,as she have just got lost in the dark.She was all drenched and found the café—Molly Thorvaldson Café owned by Lynda Bradley in Pembina Lake.Lynda was almost closing her shop when she realized about the truck outside her shop and eventually let Noreen stay for the night.Noreen has confessed about what had happened previously to Dolores Harper,who had let Lynda in,when last time Lynda’s parents were dead,and she had left her husband in the February blizzard when she got lost somewhere that night.Dolores was previously a counselor in a high school and she have a kind of power that would make people to confess everything ,and nobody could possibly hide things from her.Dolores had a daughter named,Mirella who was about the same age like Noreen when she have got cancer and had eventually died at the young age. Noreen lived with Lynda at a cottage where Lynda had set up in her office.
After Noreen had stayed with them,she had created lots of trouble with them which eventually made them hate her,like: Noreen has made Tessie—Lynda’s dog ill with feeding it with a chicken wing unintentionally on the night she has stayed with Lynda.She had almost got Delbert Armstrong’s—a farmer,and a friend of Dolores, brother—Danny Armstrong’s cottage that Del had build up for him,since he had died while they were building it,as he always wished to have his own cottage by the beach.Del was very guilty for his death as Del has been holding Danny’s fiancée,Vera’s hand behind Danny which made Danny very mad and eventually dived in to the sea at their cottage with Vera’s father boat and have drowned, Noreen have almost got the whole cottage burnt up as she was just trying to lit up the fire at the fire place,but it did not go well.Then Noreen also created a mess up at Lynda’s shop where she has made all the wires all over the places and which need a lot of money to repair them.Lynda was almost too depressed as there are very little customer in her shop and she was broke.She almost wanted to close down her shop.But in the end Delbert and Noreen had repaired all of them.Noreen found out that she was pregnant with the abnormal symptoms she was having since she left Wesley.She was seven weeks pregnant.And with the counseling of Dolores and the other caring ones around her at Lynda,she had grown up and even said that she love Wesley when she did not even love anyone last time.That was how heartless she was.She even wanted to apologized to Wesley.And in the end Wesley met up with her at M.T. Café after Noreen had finally broke the news to him. Del was actually a sober but has got over with it by himself and through the troubles that Noreen had created for Lynda,Del had showed his love for Lynda as he was always there beside Lynda to help.
Lynda wanted to close down her shop and go back to High school to teach again.However,her son,Seth and herself could not bear to leave the people around them.
Eventually Noreen had miscarriage and she was quite sad as she wanted the baby as one special person,but not one who she could always have again.And she even gave it a temporary name as Star as she hoped that it would be a girl.But in the end she was cheered up by Wesley and had lived with him.And she have also been got everything well with Gladys again. While Lynda did not went to the High school in the end,as she have accepted Del.

This book is indeed very interesting to read and is suitable for teenagers.(: I hope you would like my summary.

Monday, June 18, 2007 ; 12:29 AM
Well,the most important of my personal targets for English is to get at least a B3 for the rest of the term.And i would also hope that i could get at least A2 for SA2.But i will work for the B3 first.I would try all my best and do everything i can to improve my English from B4(what i got for SA1) to B3.Although this two grades only differ in 5 marks,i believe that it would be quite an easy job for me to improve my English by 5 more marks.However,there will still be difficulties and problems in between when attempting to improve my English language.I shall say that no worthy and precious thing would be gain easily.But also nothing is impossible.With this two quotes,i believe it would remind me and guide me till the success of my attempt.

In order to reach my target,i will have got to face and overcome every obstacles and difficulties which block my way to my goal.Only facing them will do the job.With the quote:no worthy and precious thing would be gain easily,i will remind myself not to give up but continue trying when met with difficulties as no matter what we do,anything or everything,there will always be difficulties and obstacles to be met.Even something as simple as running.If we were to run around a track 4 times in a short time,i believe that we will definitely be met with obstacles,obstacles which would be in our way,stopping us from running,giving up .Example,after we ran 2 or 3 rounds,we would definitely felt tired and out of breath,and would think of giving up ,think of stop running.These are some of the mental and physical obstacles that we are suppose to overcome on our way when doing the run,in order to reach our finish line,reach our goal,and to the road of success. We must also think in the positive way,although we know that we will meet up with obstacles,but we shall not be frightened by them when we have not even try to face them.We shall think in the way that sometimes,obstacles were created to test on our willpower of getting to our goal.To overcome these obstacles,we shall have a strong willpower. I will try all my best to get to my goal of the grade:B3;to get the 5 more marks.With the strong willpower of mine,i hope,wish and believe that i will reach my goal definitely one day.Also with the quote:nothing is impossible,it would help me build up more confidence mentally and physically.Everything problems will always have their own solutions.In the belief of this quote,i will not give up on my way to my goal.

I think i am very weak at comprehensions.I think the main reason for creating my weakness in this part is mainly that i do not read alot and enough books or newspapers that would help to build up my vocabulary.And since i am not strong in my vocabulary,i can see that there shall be some difficulties in writing essays.

Secondly,i will also have to improve in my grammar which sometimes would pull my compositions and comprehensions marks down.I know grammar is a very important thing that i should master well in English before i can really score well.I think reading more books and taking note of the grammar that were used in the passages will help to improve my grammar.

Another problem is about the part:summary. I felt that i really cannot get the keypoints out from the passage,but instead i always put every points in the summary and sometimes even not relevant things in which made the summary very long.I know that this is a very serious error,and i will try to improve on it for the rest of the year. Another obstacle that we be in my way when i try to improve my English is that my family usually speaks mandarin.So,i am quite used to speak mandarin at home,although my parents do know how to speak English.I will put efforts in trying to get my family members and myself speak English more often,as to help me speak English more fluently and even for orals.They will also get to speak fluent English at the same time.
In order to improve my English,i will also have to take actions rather than just speaking.So,i decided that i would read as many books as possible in the rest of this year,and also my life. :D
And i have also read quite alot of books in this June holidays,as to get to my goal and also to do book reviews.^-^ Anyway,i will also have to read as many English newspaper as possible too.
I will also listen more English songs(as in the entertainment part)=] And last but not least,it is to try all my might to complete all my English homework and mrs erb's homework fully and well done with handed in punctually.Also speak English more often with my friends and family although i think we often speak "singlish".=x With these,i think i will get to my goal at the end of year exam.(=

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